Web hosting - InteracMedia.com Web hosting of higher quality at low prices for all your Internet projects.
For web hosting, web marketing, web design or turn-key solutions-InteracMedia For web hosting, web marketing, web design or turn-key solutions-InteracMedia
For web hosting, web marketing, web design or turn-key solutions-InteracMedia
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Web hosting

InteracMedia.com offer to business, small and large, as to individual; reliable hosting solutions of higher quality starting at low prices what gives you all the tools necessary to conclude your Internet projects. You will be able to find a solution meeting your needs in our hosting plans below.

Web hosting table H50 H100 H150 H200 H250

H50, starting from $9.99/month

Buy this product
  • Disk space 50 Mo
  • Monthly band-width - 1024 Mo
  • Static IP address
  • 5 Mail accounts
  • FTP
Annual Hosting Contract$119.88²
is equivalent to $ 9.99/month
2 years hosting Contract $ 215.76²
is equivalent to $ 8.99/month
Monthly Hosting Contract $12.98/month¹
  • ¹Installation fee of $30 will be charged on a monthly contract, payable once.
  • ²Installation fee = Free
  • Server activation will be done within 48 hours following the payment reception

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